
IP’s commitment to sustainability reaches beyond environmental stewardship – we’re an engaged member of the communities in which we operate.

We make sustainable investments to protect and improve the lives of our employees, 十大正规网赌游戏平台动员十大正规网赌游戏平台的人民, products and resources to address critical needs in the communities where we live and work. Most of the company's donations and IP Foundation grants support projects and programs focused on our signature causes – education, Hunger, 健康和福利, 以及救灾.


We are committed to building a better future for people and the planet.


除了 to our signature causes, limited company funds are available in the following areas:


Support is also available for other critical needs in the communities where our employees live and work. International Paper personnel at our facilities are in the best position to know local needs and are tasked with ensuring that donations are allocated based on the most critical needs. A project or program does not necessarily need to benefit the community at large, but it should impact an underserved sector of the population or serve a critical need.


At International Paper, our entire business depends upon the sustainability of forests. We will continue to lead the world in responsible forest stewardship to ensure healthy and productive forest ecosystems for generations to come. We continue to improve our environmental footprint and promote the long-term sustainability of natural capital. The company and the IP Foundation will bolster this commitment by supporting organizations working on forest, 水, air and responsible sourcing issues.


We endorse employees’ community involvement efforts by considering applications from charitable organizations supported by our employees.


Eligibility for charitable organizations in the EMEA region

贡献, donations and grants are generally only considered in the communities where International Paper has a significant employee presence and within a locally determined radius of facility operations.

If your organization does not have an International Paper location in the community, you are not eligible for grant funding. 除了, please view the International Paper signature causes to learn more about our community engagement programs.

Charitable organizations should make all charitable requests to your local International Paper facility in Canada, 拉丁美洲, 欧洲, 中东, 北非或亚洲. A regional contact will provide guidance through the local eligibility and approval process.